Wednesday, September 27, 2006

How Berkeley Can You Be?!

Hey Folks......a bit more news and some more pics from Oakland and Berkeley!!!

The sun blasting down on those bowling greens can be intense, so I borrowed a sweet hat, but it fit a bit more like a parachute on my little head.

Althea likes to talk to her mom a lot about my rescue.

Althea and her mom took me to the "How Berkeley!" parade andfestival. The art cars made me queasy, and so, of course, my hosts insisted that I take as many photos as possible next to them.

I also picked up some biodiesel fuel and a good recipe for hemp seed crusted tofu at the festival.

Althea tells me that my next stop will be San Francisco, California, where I'll hang out with her uncle "Monkey". Sure does sound interesting, I wonder if he looks anything like be being a "munny" and all.

Give everyone back home my regards.

Xoxo, Six

PS Do I look like I've got a California tan?
PPS Did you know that Arnold Schwarznegger is California's governor? Crazy!

PPPS....As usual, all the pictures from my trip can be seen here as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Six get to keep the hat,

or did the Big Boss Lady just leave him with a little tat?
Inquiring Minds

6:34 PM  
Blogger MMA said...

No clue....but I have afeeling he just got a tat.

9:26 PM  

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